Monday, September 23, 2013

world of Brachypelma


B. smithi is most commonly known as the Mexican Redknee tarantula and is found throughout the semi-desert scrublands of Central America and Mexico. They have been listed on the Cites II endangered species list and restrictions are now in place to prevent the demise of wild specimens, as such, only captive bred specimens are to be kept as pets. Mexican Redknee's are amongst the most docile tarantulas and although they do have the ability to fire urticating hairs, they only do this very rarely when severely threatened. Because of it's temperament, this spider makes an excellent beginner's pet.

Brachypelma vagans is a species of tarantula known commonly as the Mexican red rump or Mexican black velvet. It ranges predominantly inMexico, but can be found as far south as BelizeEl Salvador, and Guatemala. They are terrestrial, burrowing spiders. The reason for the name red rump is because of its distinctive red hairs on its abdomen. Like most tarantulas, they will eat anything they can overpower, which is usuallyinsects, but small lizards and rodents may also be consumed. They can grow to a 5 inch leg span, with males typically being smaller and thinner than the females. They prefer scrubland habitats.
In 1996, Brachypelma vagans was discovered in the wild in St. Lucie CountyFlorida. It is now considered an established non-native species in that state, where it is thought to have been introduced through either accidental or intentional releases of specimens imported via the pet trade, although their numbers have been dwindling due to many B. Vagans eating insects poisoned by pesticides.